ATmega328DIP Board Microcontroller Board


The Arduino UNO R3 is the perfect board to get familiar with electronics and coding. This versatile development board is equipped with the well-known ATmega328P and the ATMega 16U2 Processor. This board will give you a great first experience within the world of Arduino.


  • ATMega328P Processor

    • Memory

      • AVR CPU at up to 16 MHz

      • 32KB Flash

      • 2KB SRAM

      • 1KB EEPROM

    • Security

      • Power On Reset (POR)

      • Brown Out Detection (BOD)

    • Peripherals

      • 2x 8-bit Timer/Counter with a dedicated period register and compare channels

      • 1x 16-bit Timer/Counter with a dedicated period register, input capture and compare channels

      • 1x USART with fractional baud rate generator and start-of-frame detection

      • 1x controller/peripheral Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

      • 1x Dual mode controller/peripheral I2C

      • 1x Analog Comparator (AC) with a scalable reference input

      • Watchdog Timer with separate on-chip oscillator

      • Six PWM channels

      • Interrupt and wake-up on pin change

    • ATMega16U2 Processor

      • 8-bit AVR® RISC-based microcontroller

    • Memory

      • 16 KB ISP Flash

      • 512B EEPROM 512B SRAM

      • debugWIRE interface for on-chip debugging and programming

    • Power

      • 2.7-5.5 volts



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