8*8 Matrix LED Display Module


8*8 LED RGB Matrix is a tri-colour multi-colour LED display matrix module that can be arbitrarily cascaded in XY axis, which can be used for displaying pictures and text, and supports multi-layers and various panning effects of each layer.

Theoretically, it supports any cascade of up to 4096 modules in X-axis horizontal and 4096 modules in Y-axis vertical, without hardware design. Of course, if you want to cascade them into a large matrix display, then you need a high-speed controller and a high-power power supply.

In practice, the number of cascades depends on the data storage space of your MCU and the maximum current allowed through the modules.


  • Operating power: +5V to +5.3V

  • Operating current: Maximum 300mA (single)

  • Allowable pass-through current: Maximum 2000mA

  • Operating temperature range: -10℃~+50℃

  • Support multiple arbitrary cascade, no need to set up hardware.

  • Support RGB three single-color display and mixed-color display.

  • Dot matrix sequence adopts plane right-angle coordinate system, easy to understand.

  • Support arduino development board power supply or external independent power supply.

  • Support hardware SPI mode and software SPI mode. Software SPI mode can be directly plugged into Interface Shield's Shiftout interface.

  • Software SPI supports up to 22 or 15, hardware SPI supports more than 10.

  • When multiple cascades are used, if the color is too dark, the power supply voltage can be increased to about 5.2V, not more than 5.4V.

  • When multiple cascades are used, the data line is always connected to the No.1 daughter board (the daughter board where the origin (0,0) is located is the No.1 daughter board).



How to Use

This 8×8 LED Matrix Library module will be interfaced with Arduino for displaying alphabets, characters & logos. First, we need to download a library specifically designed for LED MATRIX.

8×8 LED Matrix Library

After downloading the Zip file, extract the content. Put the folder in library folder inside Libraries –>>>— Arduino –>>>>>–Document

#include "LedControlMS.h"
 //pin 12 is connected to the DataIn
// pin 11 is connected to the CLK
 //pin 10 is connected to LOAD
#define NBR_MTX 1 //number of matrices attached is one
LedControl lc=LedControl(12,11, 10, NBR_MTX);//
void setup()
  for (int i=0; i< NBR_MTX; i++)
  /* Set the brightness to a medium values */
  /* and clear the display */
void loop()
     lc.writeString(0,"HOW2ELECTRONICS");//sending characters to display
     lc.clearAll();//clearing the display

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