VL53L0X Time-of-Flight (TOF) Laser distance sensor


The VL53L0X is a state-of-the-art Time-of-Flight (TOF) laser-ranging sensor that provides highly accurate distance measurements. It is capable of measuring absolute distances up to 2 meters, independent of the target reflectance. The sensor integrates an advanced laser-ranging module with a single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) array, which allows for precise distance measurement in a compact form factor. This makes it suitable for applications such as obstacle detection, presence sensing, and proximity measurements in robotics, drones, and IoT devices.


  • High Accuracy: Provides precise distance measurements with millimeter accuracy.

  • Long Range: Capable of measuring distances up to 2 meters.

  • Fast Measurement Time: Quick response time suitable for dynamic applications.

  • Compact Size: Small form factor for easy integration into various applications.

  • Low Power Consumption: Ideal for battery-powered applications.

  • I2C Interface: Simple communication with microcontrollers and other I2C devices.

  • Ambient Light Immunity: Operates effectively in various lighting conditions.


  • Operating Voltage: 2.8V to 3.5V

  • Current Consumption: 10mA typical

  • Measurement Range: 30mm to 2000mm

  • Measurement Accuracy: ±3%

  • Output Data Rate: Up to 50Hz

  • Interface: I2C (address 0x29)

  • Field of View (FOV): 25 degrees

  • Operating Temperature: -20°C to 70°C


  • VIN: Power supply pin (2.8V to 5V)

  • GND: Ground pin

  • SDA: I2C data line

  • SCL: I2C clock line

  • XSHUT: Shutdown pin (active low)

  • GPIO1: Interrupt pin (optional, can be used for advanced functionalities)


  • Size:25.0x10.7mm

How to Use

  1. Power the Sensor: Connect the VIN pin to a power supply (2.6V to 5V) and the GND pin to ground.

  2. Connect I2C Lines: Connect the SDA and SCL pins to the corresponding I2C lines of your microcontroller.

  3. Optional Connections: Connect the XSHUT pin to a GPIO pin for enabling/disabling the sensor, and GPIO1 for interrupt functionalities if required.

  4. Initialize the Sensor: Use a suitable library to initialize and configure the sensor. The following example demonstrates how to use the VL53L0X sensor with an Arduino.

// Example code for Arduino

#include <Wire.h>
#include <VL53L0X.h>

VL53L0X sensor;

void setup() {


  if (!sensor.init()) {
    Serial.println("Failed to detect and initialize sensor!");
    while (1);

void loop() {
  // Read the distance
  uint16_t distance = sensor.readRangeSingleMillimeters();
  // Check for out of range errors
  if (sensor.timeoutOccurred()) { 
  } else {
    Serial.print("Distance: ");
    Serial.println(" mm");

  delay(500); // Wait for half a second before the next reading

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